Power Gaming, and control

From: mark groff <mg1160_at_messiah.edu>
Date: Fri, 3 May 1996 13:18:15 -0900 (PDT)

I am not quite sure where the Onslaught thread started or why, but I do have some ideas about the usually unfortunate set of charateristics that are referred to as power gaming.

         In my experience there are two basic types of game master/game. The first is the story teller, in these cases the GM provides a central plot and the players are expected to play their roles in reference to the plot. The other style is more permisive, in which the players set the goals and determine the plot and the GM is more a world moderator than a narrator. Now, most games fall somewhere in between simply because the amount of preparation needed for a strict application the second type is enormous, however, too many times games are run by what I call Plot Monsters. In these cases the characters become pawns in the GM's largely pre-determined story. In games like this, where players are not allowed to substantialy influence the course of events, ie have power, they are more likely to seek out the rewards that are permited, usually in the terms of MORE FIREPOWER. The THOG Mighty Thews type character might be a type inexperienced players will outgrow, but the GM created the conditions for his development.

        One of the beauties of Glorantha is the wealth of published materials that allow a more permissive style of play, per GM hour invested. The thing to remember IMHO is that if people are presented situations that are mainly soluable by firepower they will respond by using firepower. Let them be PLAYERS in political intrigue, rather than pawns, and they will probably respond accordingly. Players (and people in general) want a sense of control at some level IMHO, and if the more subtle types are denied, they will naturally seek out the types that remain. Timmy the Trolkin is fun to play only because he is allowed to determine his own rewards and ways of responding to the world around him.

                Mark Groff - Now donning NOMEX flame retardant suit.

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