Vadeli, Brithini

From: Durupt Jean <>
Date: Thu Mar 20 10:06:39 1997

 Hi all,


The geas I described for the brown and the red were posted by Sandy Petersen in Henk's digest.

They explain why the brown Vadeli did not sail during the second age, they may not captain a ship. In the third age, any Vadeli ship has a red captain.

Now, maybe I have been sandied (ie S. Petersen changed his mind <g>).

The closing

I checked in Glorantha: Genertela
The Closing began in 920 (around a century after emperor Miglos was killed), it reached Jrustrela in 930, and affected all the seas in 970.
Jrustrela was sunk c940, but a tidal wave struck the island in 930 when the closing reached it.
The Luatha are not affected since they sunk Seshenela c1000 and came by sea. Since they are demi-god, it is not that important. The coasts were shuned because of the curse and because of depredations by Waertagi and sea creatures.

I think that it is important to know what is affected by the curse.

Alone, rafts are useless for sea trade and are unable to sail by themselves. The curse can affect them, noone will see the difference.
Are ghostships possible? (a ghostship is a ship without crew, or when noone aboard know how to sail)
I'd say yes, because it makes for a good story and in practice they are floating debris whose course depends on the sea. I may be alone in thinking that.


Zzabur the sorceror supreme is said to have brought back the sun. He sunk the Vadeli lands, he did the Closing, the Syndic's ban was done by Prince Snodal in order to twart Zzabur project to sink Loskalm.
Zzabur's blue book has this name because its cover is made from blue Vadeli skin.



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