The Joerg Rune has been invoked, or Black Arkat

From: Joerg Baumgartner <>
Date: Wed, 5 Jun 96 21:34 MET DST

David Cake

Kitori Tribe:
> Matters still open to debate are mostly geographical. Is the Temple
>of Black Arkat in Kitori lands, or elsewhere? And a related debate -
>exactly what are the Kitori lands (and do they include Whitewall).

As far as I recall, relative strengths of the Volsaxi, the Kitori and other local tribes have remained contested as well.

>conception is that the Kitori are pretty much a forest tribe, and their
>lands don't extend much beyond the troll woods, but this is debated
>(usually by those who think the human half of the tribe are more or less

Of 1621, I agree fully with David's analysis. However, it seems that the Kitori dominated most of the lands south of the Crossline prior to Tarkalor's war of liberation.

> IMHO the Kitori lands do not include Whitewall, but last time I
>looked there was strong disagreement (notably from John Castellucci? who
>wrote the RQA Whitewall issue). But this is a side issue, and besides, I
>don't think anyone has any new evidence, so this debate is probably not
>worth reopening.

I tried to make up a compromise between RQA 4 and my Glorantha, which has Whitewall currently owned by the victorious Volsaxi confederation, but recently resettled by Kitori relatives of their king, Broyan.

> Where is the Temple of Black Arkat? No one really knows. Place it
>wherever you want in your game. Greg appears to have forgotten where it was

When asked directly, he replied "in Nochet"...

>Some possibilities worth considering are -
>a) in Kitori lands and full of Kitori Argan Argari.
>b) in Kitori lands, next to the Footprint (a famous Chaos Nest), and thus
>full of rabid chaos fighters, and probably not a few Zorak Zorani.

In or close to Kitori lands, I don't see why a) and b) should be mutually exclusive...

>c) somewhere else within Kethaela - I think Joerg had it within Heortland,
>for example.

Only in the sense that most of the Volsaxi and Kitori lands are considered traditional parts of Heortland. My first idea was to have it halfway between Jansholm and Smithstone on the border between Kitori and Volsaxi lands. Now, I think there would be a lot more fun if the House of Black Arkat lies somewhere in former Kitori lands where honest shadowy Kitori have hard access.

>If its not within Kitori lands, then it needs to have a
>darkness temple of some kind nearby (or combined) in order for there to be
>darkness initiates to recruit from.

Easy, with all the Only Old One shrines left lying about, and recently left unguarded by the Pharaoh's disappearance. Any visiting Argan Argar trader can incite some darkness-taint in any Kethaelan, IMO. Yes, even in Caladralanders...

> My preferred option is probably that it is outside Kitori lands,
>but somewhere else with links (historical or otherwise) to the Shadow
>Plateau. The Kitori then have no actual Arkat temple, but still have Arkat
>worshippers among them (maybe secret society like).

How about the Haunted Lands north of Shadow Plateau, now virtually a no man's land, abandoned by the Dragon Pass resettlers like the Colymar, abandoned by the Kitori after the loss against Tarkalor, not ever claimed by the Volsaxi due to troll presence, and Grazer presence, and most recently due to vicious duck settlers taking control of the New River barge travel.

> Note that as the Arkat cult is sorcery based, it doesn't need
>temples of its own, and worshippers do not need to gather en masse.

At least its wizards will require some means of mundane support in order to have time to teach.

Having suffered a heavy overdose of Arkat(s) recently, I feel that with the heavy fragmentation of the Arkat cult, the single aspects worshipped by various groups may have lost true illumination, or have stuck with only one aspect of illumination. Especially the ability to evade spirits of reprisal should be limited to the Deceiver fragment of the cult, since most other aspects seem to stick to their fundamentals quite closely - at least in Ralios.

This means that by joining Arkat, one doesn't automatically gain the full insight of his former stature, but only that part which the worshipped aspect controls.

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