Black Arkat, Kitori

From: David Cake <>
Date: Thu, 6 Jun 1996 11:12:13 +0800

>As far as I recall, relative strengths of the Volsaxi, the Kitori and other
>local tribes have remained contested as well.

        Yes. I think there was some disagreement over whether the Kitori had any control over trade routes?

>However, it seems that the
>Kitori dominated most of the lands south of the Crossline prior to
>Tarkalor's war of liberation.

        Sounds reasonable.

Where is the Temple of Black Arkat?
>When asked directly, he replied "in Nochet"...

Hmmm..... interesting. I wonder what part they would take in all the trouble there? How would they feel about the Red Earth Alliance, for example?




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