Killing the Cosmos

From: Nick Effingham <>
Date: Fri, 14 Jun 1996 18:53:32 +0100

In John's last post he seems to assume that "Argrath and The Devil" occurs during his Lightbringer Quest. I have two answers. The first is that Argrath went on his Quest in 1677 and brought back Sheng Seleris, who plainly failed in Argrath's eyes to end the problem he wanted to solve. Sorta like Arkat and Harmast Barefoot. So he might, just like Harmast, go on another Quest, and it is THEN that he kills all the gods.  Personally I don't think this is quite true. My personal theory is that Argrath went on a differnt Quest at the time of the Monster Empire and re-enacted I Fought We Won. Argrath, who had already become his god when he suceeded in the LBQ fifty years ago now becomes a mere mortal in an effort to destroy the Empire. By this time the Monster Empire rules most of the Northern Continent, just like Chaos ruled the COsmos when the first I Fought We Won took place. When Argrath finishes this Quest he has defeated the Monster Empire, and appears in the Underworld to be present for the Compromise at which point he gets the gods to hold onto the Net. Notice that only gods throw the Net and all those who throw the Net are caught in it, therefore we can conclude that Argrath was not holding the Net and so therefore while on that Quest was not representing Orlanth on the LBQ but instead was the Last Mortal on I Fought We Won.  And yes, this may *all* be wrong and the entire world may have Illuminated.

Nick E.
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Nick Effingham <None so gaudy, nor as bloody,
as the sword that would,
crash and bash, an' swing with a flash,
and spill thine enemies blood>
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