Glorantha by Post

From: David Ingram <>
Date: Fri, 21 Jun 1996 07:33:23 +0100

Some time ago, I and several compatriots played in a PBM set in Dorastor. It was more of a wargame than a RPG but the basic synopsis is as follows. Each of us controled one of the peoples from the edge of Dorastor (Kingdom of Billini, Trolls from the Tobross Montains, Dwarves from the southern borders, Telmori, etc). Our leaders were written up as Heroic characters who wished to smash the powers of Fort Wrath and reclaime Dorastor for the forces of law. Such high ideals often became a rude fight for survival when the full array of the might of chaos fell on us. Intra kingdom politics became very important and a focal point for the game. The forces of law had several notable victories, reclaiming one city from it's Ogre population and smashing the Spidre woods. On the other hand Billini got infiltrated by Mallia worshipers and eventually lost his capital to Krasht Kids. The game eventually ended when the turn rate became too slow and players gave up (one turn in six months is just about tollerable).

It was fun while it lasted.

IMHO it worked better than a PBM RPG would and was prohably simmilar to a refereed free from with detailed combat rules :-)


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