Re: love life of uzuz

From: Sandy Petersen <>
Date: Tue, 25 Jun 96 12:53:59 -0500

>But given that no Mistress Race trolls have been born since Yelm drove
>the Uz to the surface world, do you really want to roll up all that
>Previous experience?

        New uzuz are still born from time to time. It is very rare. When uzuz give birth to multiple uzko, despite the normal troll rule-of-thumb, they are not considered enlo. An uzuz who has birthed an uzko does not undergo a purification ceremony. Perhaps one could be heroquested for, to up the rate of uzuz births. Uzuz, however, are notoriously infertile, and rarely give birth at all.

uzuz	uzuz	1/4 = uzuz; 3/4 = uzko
uzuz	uzko	uzko or uzdo (if ceremony performed)
uzko	uzuz	uzko
uzko	uzko	1/2 = uzko; 1/2 = enlo litter (a year-long  
purification then ensues, forbidding all sex, before the mother can get pregnant again, or the new pregnancy will certainly be enlo)
any	enlo	single enlo
enlo	any	enlo litter (if enlo mother -- single enlo)
uzdo	uzko	uzko or uzdo (if ceremony performed). Note, however  
that uzdo generally have great difficulty fathering children.
uzko	cave	enlo litter
cave 	uzko	enlo litter
uzdo	cave	enlo litter, if mating successful
uzko	uzhim	1/2 = uzhim; 1/2 = enlo litter
uzhim	uzko	1/2 = uzko; 1/2 = enlo litter
muri	muri	muri
muri	cave	cave
mtn	muri	monster (rather uzdo-like, but slightly chaotic)
uzuz	muri	muri * see below
muri	uzuz	muri * so the jungle trolls themselves state. But  
uzuz cannot endure hot climes, and such matings have not occurred in over an Age.
mtn	uzko	enlo litter
any	mtn	monster (in essence, a huge enlo)
mtn	cave	monster (in essence, a huge enlo)

abbrev: uzuz = Mistress Race; uzko = Dark Troll; uzdo = Great Troll; enlo = Trollkin; cave = Cave Troll; uzhim = Snow Troll; muri = Jungle Troll; mtn = (Pamaltelan) Mountain Troll

        Combinations not listed are as of yet unknown (no one's tried to get an uzhim and a muri together, for instance). But read on ...

        It is unknown what the offspring of muri and uzko would "normally" be. I know of one such mating, but 'twas done using magic rituals, resembling Cragspider's ceremony to produce uzdo. The muri queen involved has since given birth only to trollkin (previously unknown amongst muri, but not particularly welcome). However, all was not lost. The uzko in question had previously fathered a child on a bison cow -- a coal-black bull calf (obviously, magic was involved -- this took place on the Plateau of Statues). The black bull was taken in by the muri, and some years later, they produced horned trolls, who were capable of surviving in colder climes. No horned trolls have as yet reached sexual maturity. The jungle tribe who is fostering this activity has high hopes of banishing the Qualyorni Curse -- though presumably at the cost of the replacement of their tribe by the new horned monsters.

Sandy P.

End of Glorantha Digest V2 #662

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