Tribal Kings and Clan Chiefs

Date: Thu, 27 Jun 1996 16:13:00 -0400

In a message dated 96-06-27 11:45:26 EDT, Nick Brooke wrote:

>I think people who *become* Kings do so from an established position within
>their clan and tribe; they aren't likely to be rank outsiders. And family
>backing is probably more important than cultic support (i.e. clan chiefs
>more support than Rune Lords, IMG). So I think many tribal kings will also
>clan chieftains and household heads.

Nick, I think you are obviously correct when you say tribal kings will be clan chieftains and family heads. Obviously it is going to be incredibly hard for a rank outsider to ascend to tribal kingship without proving himself as a clan chieftain.

I think Dave Dunham's question is whether Tribal King is STILL the Clan Chief of his clan when he's elevated. I believe the two offices conflict and thus the answer would be "no".
In my view, the Clan Chieftain is MAINLY concerned with the welfare of his clan. Sure he cares about the tribe but his main concern is for his clan. Conversely, the Tribal King should be concerned mostly over the ENTIRE tribe. The other clans would not elect someone who was still mainly concerned about his old clan rather than the welfare of the Tribe as a whole. As a trekkie might say, "The needs of the many (clans) outweigh the needs of the few (the Tribal King's own clan)."

If what I say above is correct, then there is a clear conflict of interest here and so the Tribal King should concentrate on the welfar of his tribe and give of his chieftanhood to a new clan chieftan.

Just my thoughts anyway.

John Brown

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