
From: Stephen Watson <>
Date: Thu, 27 Jun 1996 09:49:22 GMT

> Xavier SPINAT asks:
> >I was wondering how alcohol was considered on glorantha...
> >Is it good or evil? Is there any god related to alcohol?
> >Do people think it is good or bad for the health?

> From: (David Cake)
> As far as I know, most Gloranthan cultures believe that alcohol is
> a good thing that can be bad for you.
> There is a cool myth (stolen from the egyptian myth about Sekhmet)
> about Babeester Gor killing healers and wading in their blood, and finally
> being stopped by trickster turning the blood to beer.
> Are their any gloranthan cultures that have an actual prohibition?

According to somebody who did medieval style brewing on a program some months ago, naturally occuring water was generally bad for you. Turning it into beer made it drinkable and considerably less of a health hazard. This was also true of Victorian London: the water would kill you a lot quicker than drinking gin by the barrelful.

I wonder how the Zola Fel Purify Water spell works...

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