Re: Intoxication

From: Sandy Petersen <>
Date: Mon, 1 Jul 96 16:45:42 -0500

The effect of alcohol on various non-humans:
  1. Trolls -- as stated in TROLLPAK, human alcoholic beverages have little effect on trolls, though they enjoy the flavor. _Extremely_ strong drink will probably affect a troll to some degree, but uz can drink a barrel of beer without twitching a nostril. When a troll wants to get _drunk, he resorts to one of the fierce troll toxins so legendary among humankind. Note: troll booze is, of course, harmful to humans (just like human booze, only incredibly more so), but it _does_ get humans drunk -- or at least reproduces some of the effects of alcohol poisoning / intoxication.
  2. Spirits Of Alcohol of _course_ exist, and probably haunt the scenes of famous boozefests. I bet that certain vintners and beermakers have drunkenness spirits haunting the brewery, infesting barrels, etc.
  3. Do dwarfs drink? Yes. A LOT. Dwarfs are the only folk in Glorantha that I can think of (offhand) who have invented distilled liquor such as whiskey or vodka. Though in their case they mostly make gin, of course (since all you need is water, alcohol, and maybe some flavoring). In my own campaigns in Glorantha, the PCs have occasionally come across the infamous Irongrund, the evil dwarf liquor kept in iron bottles. It's so powerful that a single drink of it damns your soul forever. Naturally, any real drinking man knows the legend, and thirsts for a taste of this, the supreme rotgut. Not even all _dwarfs_ have drunk Irongrund, which is so sinfully brewed by the Quicksilver guild.

>We play that Heal Body and Treat Poison have effects on drunkeness

        I wouldn't let Heal Body do it, but Treat Poison makes sense. Note that the cult of Geo has a Runespell of Cure Hangover, which works on a whole roomful of people. I'm sure this highly useful spell isn't limited just to Geo.

Sandy P.

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