Re: Lunar Religion

From: Sandy Petersen <>
Date: Wed, 3 Jul 96 10:29:16 -0500

>In any RW example you want to cite any religious based expansion
has done so with the edge of a sword.

        Not so, Dave, as I'm sure our history buffs will be able to demonstrate. Note that as a Mormon, I am quite sensitive on this point, because my own faith has been subject to pogroms and punitive massacres, government bans and prison sentences. So I agree generally that many many faiths have spread by force, but 'tis still true that not all have done so.

        The initial spread of Christianity was peaceful (at least on the Christians' part). Then it became the state religion and things went all to hell. Unlike most of Europe, Scandinavia's conversion to Christianity wasn't because of invading armies. Buddhism's spread was not particularly bloody.

        Maybe the uniting feature of peaceful religious change is that religious oppression only arises when the government sees itself as the secular arm of God, or the opposite -- seeing religion as the spiritual side of the nation. (Examples: Louis XIII, Charles V, Torquemada, etc. etc. )

Nick touts the benign Teelo Norri soup kitchens, the road improvements, the quiet dynastic marriages and subtlties, while Dave points out such activities as the outlawing of all Storm Bulls, the ban on Ducks, the murder of outspoken Wind Priests. The reasons that the Lunar conversion of Sartar moves in mysterious, oft-opposing ways may be quite simple.

  1. The people in charge of taming Sartar are replaced from time to time. During Harka Hardnose's period in office, the Sartarites are ruled with a bronze fist. But when he's replaced by Stella Sweet, everything is honey and roses.
  2. Or there are at least two conflicting schools of thought as to how best to incorporate the Orlanthi. Both schools are practicing their beliefs simultaneously. The Red Meanies oppress, and the Pink Moonies enlighten.
  3. Or the Lunars have their act together, and they're doing the classic Good Cop / Bad Cop routine.

Sandy P.  

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