Non Chaotic Broo Birth.....

Date: Wed, 10 Jul 1996 11:50:59 GMT

I said:

> >(A goddess who causes sex-changes in her male followers is fun ain't
> >it. My players used her to survive a nasty case of broo rape and bring
> >forth the only unchaotic broo infants for centuries.)
> ____________________________________________________________

Mav said:
> As for your last comment. Gives me a cold shudder just thinking about
> it. I'n not sure having a vagina and womb would help the "mother" though. Don't
> broo sort of burrow their way out ala Alien ChestBursters.

Ah, yes they do. But it helped that at the moment of birth it was Firshala doing the hard work (and incidentally burning away the chaos in the infant's soul).

A deity (however piddling) has options that humans don't.

On whether her lack of power is an advantage or not. Remember that she was a respectable powered goddess once. Her basic legends may be forgotten by most people (which is what makes it difficult IMHO) but they will still exist somewhere on the GodPlane. While she has few followers to fix her in one particular role those she has can't (again IMHO) just redefine her and remould her like plasticine.

(Normal pompous signature ommitted....)

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