NPC Format

From: Martin Crim <>
Date: Thu, 18 Jul 1996 20:53:24 -0400 (EDT)

If anyone is going to send NPC's or monsters anywhere, please make sure they are in correct format. Check the most recent AH publications for proper format. For sending in ASCII format, don't use columns. This is the correct current format (with columns):
STR     xx                      R Leg   xx/xx [this is AP/HP]
CON     xx                      L Leg   xx/xx
SIZ     xx                      Abdomen xx/xx
INT     xx                      Chest   xx/xx
POW     xx                      R Arm   xx/xx
DEX     xx                      L Arm   xx/xx
APP     xx                      Head    xx/xx

Move: x
Fatigue: xx
Hit Points: xx
Magic Points: xx + xx [Crystals, matrixes, etc.] DEX SR: x

Arms and Armor: Total Encumbrance = x. Fatigue = xx (xx - x). Short description.

Weapon          SR      Att/Par   Damage        ENC/AP
1H Short Spear  7*      50/50     1d8+1+x*      2.0/10  [as an example]
* Special notes (effects of stat-enhancing spells, etc.)

Spirit Magic ([calculate as POWx5 + Magic Bonus, per the errata]% -ENC): [spells known by person]; [spells known by allied and bound spirits, fetch, or familiar, with each set of spells identified by who knows it]

Divine Magic: Spell Name (one-use), Other Spell Name (reusable) OR if all such spells are one-use:
Divine Magic (one-use):
OR if all divine spells are reusable:
Divine Magic (reusable):

Chaotic Features: [if any]

Skills and Bonuses

        You can either divide them into categories with bonuses listed, or just bunch

        them all together in alphabetical order.

Languages: Language Name xx/xx [speak/read and write]

Special Items: [if any]

Fetch, Allied Spirit, or Familiar: [if any]

Miscellaneous Notes: [if any]

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