Cheaters, and fixing it so's they don't prosper.

From: Robyn McNamara <>
Date: Sat, 20 Jul 1996 01:51:19 +1000 (EST)

Brian Curley offers up some solutions to die-roll fudgers, including:

> - - asking another player to put him on the spot when he sees him do it
> ("Hey... wasn't the other one your 10's die before?")
> - - asking him not to pick up his dice until I confirm his roll (I'd
> probably have to do this with all the players to be fair)

I have two more counterspells to this despicable activity:

  1. You don't have to make _your_ rolls in public - if one of your players is fudging rolls in combat, fudge his opponent's rolls. If the cheating PC has the gall to complain, you can say that Arachne Solara has ways of dealing with people who try to meddle with the Laws of Probability. You're the GM, you get to define what constitutes 'fairness'. (In my games, I regularly fudge die rolls so that, e.g., the entire scenario won't go down the tubes if someone rolls bad dice. MGF is vested in plot, not in a handful of Platonic solids.)
  2. Don't make combat the 'important' way to gain experience in your campaign. Make your PCs have to roleplay politics instead. Fix it so that there's usually an intelligent out from combat if they handle the human element right. After all, physical conflict is seldom inevitable in the Real World. I once ran a campaign in which the closest thing to a Grand Climactic Battle involved nothing more lethal than a mouldy cabbage.
    • -- Robyn A. McNamara The Cosmic Froggy "...yours to breathe (and breath the pain of living): living BE!"

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