Why Aye is still alive.....

From: Michael Cule <mikec_at_room3b.demon.co.uk>
Date: Tue, 30 Jul 1996 04:18:47 GMT

Stephen Stair he want to know:
> Re: Aye and Bee

> If Aye is still alive because it was not a descendant of
> Grandfather Mortal, doesn't that imply that Grandmother
> Mortal may also still be alive. And if she is not, how
> did she die? Did the Death of Grandfather Mortal kill her
> as well? Why?
Well, firstly this tale is highly heretical. Secondly it is told by a Trickster who has managed to write his own deity into a central position (do you really want to contemplate the idea that Trickster is responsible for the present human race? Oh, I don't know though.....) Thirdly,
Aye (or Androgeus) is still alive because no-one has managed to kill him/her yet. This is a superhero who has been alive since before the Dawn. I'm not saying that killing Androgeus is impossible just bloody difficult.

And fourthly, the whole Daka Fal/Grandfather Mortal myth is a compendium created by the God Learners out of dozens of local myths, some of which mention Grandmother Mortal and some of which don't. I think most likely either she dies of a broken heart after the first Death or she goes off and becomes someone even more mysterious.....

AKA Theophilus Prince Archbishop of the Far Isles Motto Nulla Spes Sit in Resistando (Resistance is Uslesss) Ask me about the Far Isles Medieval Society: Better Living through Pan-Medieval Anachronisms.

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