Vadeli What My Father Told Me

From: Ian or Katts <>
Date: Thu, 15 Aug 1996 15:07:39 +1000 (EST)

Who are we ?

We are the Vadeli

Why are we ?

Because we exist, and so we can survive.

Who are our enemies ?

Our enemies as Vadeli are everyone. But the enemies of our family are many, and they are cunning - never talk to another Vadeli without talking to me first, for our enemies are devious, and often disguised.

Who are our friends ?

As your Father, I am your truest and closest friend. I will teach you what you need to know of our magics, our skills and the world outside.

Do we die ?

*sigh* Yes, we do die, like all things. If you are a good and dutiful child, you will grow strong and wise and I will teach you how this death can be delayed. Beware our enemies, for they will kill you before your time.

What happens after we die ?

We become nothing, for death is the end.

Ian Whitchurch

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