Re: Mermen

From: Joerg Baumgartner <>
Date: Wed, 21 Aug 96 19:13 MET DST

Nils in reply to Sandy:
>>I'd like to point out my
>>sorrow that most of the folks in the Pub Quiz could not name a
>>_single_ type of merman. This was very tragic because it means that
>>my mermen labors proved of use only to guys like Joerg.

>Ludoch, Ouoroi, Malasp, Ysabbau, Zabdamar, Dwerulan, Gnydron.

>Do I get a gold star now?

No, because Ouori has only two "o"s, but you just qualified for the club of SAD people... Go and sit in a Convulsion pub quiz to know what I mean. Join my team for more of that...

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