Even more stuff....

From: Michael Cule <mikec_at_room3b.demon.co.uk>
Date: Thu, 22 Aug 96 00:40:22 GMT

Many thanks to various people for various stuff.....

My thanks to Sandy for trying to clear up the spirit/soul business.

I am no wiser.

Many thanks (to I forget whom) for the distinction between achieving and behaving.

I remain confused.

And though I have been told that use of personality traits ain't compulsory in PENDRAGON I've seen it used that way too often. Perhaps I haven't read the latest rules or played with decent referees. Perhaps the purpose and use can be clearer in Glorantha: the Game.

Grumpily and late at night....

Michael Cule
Actor and Genius

AKA Theophilus Prince Archbishop of the Far Isles Motto Nulla Spes Sit in Resistando (Resistance is Uslesss) Ask me about the Far Isles Medieval Society: Better Living through Pan-Medieval Anachronisms.

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