
From: ian (i.) gorlick <"ian>
Date: Thu, 22 Aug 1996 17:11:00 -0400

Martin Laurie presented some interesting thoughts about Gagarthi inside Orlanthi society, or at least on the fringes. Some of this is probably true, some of the time (typically Orlanthi). All societies have bandits and brigands, and people deal with them as long as the banditry and brigandage is done against other people. (I've recently been reading about how native rulers in India actually made contracts with bands of Thugs to shelter them as long as the Thugs did not operate inside the ruler's territory.)

One thing to consider about Harvar and his Gagarthi is that they may just be making an alliance against a common enemy. Both Harvar, the Yelmalion extremist, and the Gagarthi, outlaws from Orlanthi society, are the enemies of mainstream Orlanthi culture.

As Martin says, whirlvishes are more creatures of the desert and plains, so highland Gagarthi should not have much to do with them. Some other sort of wind spirit does seem to be indicated. Or should we consider a lightning spirit instead? Saint Elmo's fire or will-o'-wisp in appearance? Minor electric shock plus spirit attack?

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