Neil Smith on Aldryami

From: Martin Crim <>
Date: Fri, 23 Aug 1996 12:27:22 -0400 (EDT)

Neil posits, in Vol. 3, #146, that Aldryami "elfsense" has two "modes": perception of the background song of the forest and specific examination of a plant. This then ties in with their motivations, as they meet the needs of the forest expressed in the background song.

        I like this presentation a lot. It contributes an understanding of how Aldryami senses reinforce or mediate their dharma. It also explains why Aldryami hate to leave the forest, though I disagree that all non-forests are horrible to Aldryami and the corrolary that the only Aldryami there are not in their right minds. All ecosystems speak to the Aldryami, though obviously the more forest-like a place is, the more comfortable the Aldryami will be. Aldryami warriors leave their forests as necessary, as do the plant tenders who carry the seeds of new forests (such as the one which will cover all of Fronela). Also, the Aldryami will hear, faintly, the distant forest, and this will be a comfort to them.

        --Martin Crim

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