Re: Menstruation

From: Sandy Petersen <>
Date: Mon, 2 Sep 96 13:01:39 -0500

>as someone who has given birth to a child, I have to wonder

        But I've been present at the birth of all five of my own, and held them before my wife got to. Also had a better(?) view of the birth itself. Hardly ever fainted. A couple of times I had to get real interested in the wall.

>How would you explain in mythic terms the fluid loss in delivery

>of a baby, and the 3 weeks of blood loss afterward in what is
>essentially 9 months worth of menstruation?

        I don't think that the three explanations I gave for Menstruation think of the placenta and subsequent bleeding loss as 9 months of menstruation, but someone might. The fluid loss in delivery is explained in lots of ways:

1) Humans must re-live all the ages of the world. The first is Darkness, where we're held deep in the womb. The second is Water, when a small sea appears around us and we float within the mother. Then there is Earth, the birth itself, in which we are forced down the gripping tunnel of strength and love. Fourth comes the Sun -- we emerge from the womb and see the light, even through our closed eyelids. Lastly is Storm, as we clear our throat and emit a lusty bellow full of air, or at least whimper.

        And so of course, a person who is deprived of one of these stages becomes spiritually deformed. The most common example is that of a person deprived of Earth (i.e., Caesarian birth). (and here our author proceeds onward with all kinds of complicated proofs that Caesarians, or those born blind, etc. are somehow unnatural).

Sandy P.

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