Re: argh. Toilet paper, menses, etc.

From: Sandy Petersen <>
Date: Fri, 13 Sep 96 17:05:05 -0500

Apparently we're reduced to talking about Praxian toilet paper: In desert areas, sand works fine. So do rags, if you have cloth. You can also just use your hand, rub it clean in the sand, and then not use that hand for certain functions.

Menstrual cramps. I am now going to make the possibly unwarranted assumption here that a lot of the Digesters are unmarried, or are married and childless. It has been my experience, and the experience of many of my friends, that menstrual cramps decrease _greatly_ after a woman has had a child. My own wife, Wendy, was once extremely subject to cramps, and was near-incapacitated almost every month. After our oldest child, Alice, was born, the cramps vanished, and she has not had problems with them since. This doesn't always happen, but it's extremely common, and I know of no cases in which childbirth exacerbated cramps.

        In other words, the great majority of adult women in every human Gloranthan culture, except the Brithini, do not suffer from serious cramps. Of course, most adventurer-women probably have this problem, but I guess they're tough, so don't sweat it. I've not yet run a female human in Glorantha, so haven't had to meet the challenge, such as it is.

        Nonetheless. I hereby submit and suggest the following cult-special spirit spell:

variable, touch, duration 1 hour per point This spell relieves mild pain, such as that due to headache, menstrual cramps, toothache, charley horses, minor cuts, bruises, and so forth. Each point of Ease Pain counteracts the effects of a pain spirit by 1 percentile. This spell will not eliminate incapacitation or unconscious, or cure ailments.

        Available: most everywhere. Found at healing, earth, and sky cults.

DENDARA'S DAWN (aka Voria's Dawn, Faranar's Dawn, etc.) 1 point, touch, instant
This dispels distressing menstrual symptoms until the next time the caster awakens from sleep.

        It is a specialty spell which must be learned from the appropriate temple or spirit. Native by Dendara, Voria, Den Xi, Faranar, and similar sects. Normally taught to allied and friendly cults of these.

Note: Faranar, Eiritha, Ernalda, (and presumably other gods) teach this spirit spell:

1 point, temporal, touch
This spell dispells morning sickness for one hour when cast. If you're one of the unfortunate women who are sick all day long when pregnant, you may need help, or reserve the spell for when you're sickest.
Sandy p.

End of Glorantha Digest V3 #195

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