
From: ian (i.) gorlick <"ian>
Date: Mon, 16 Sep 1996 16:38:00 -0400

Jane Williams raised the issue of contraception in Glorantha and on earth.

As far as I know, terrestrial ancients had access to a variety of abortifacients, but no chemicals quite like the pill. They also had access to mechanical methods, the caecum of a sheep being the preferred condom.

Would they use these? Probably varies by culture.

Jane suggests that Ernaldans would refuse to use chemical methods because of their fertility links. I partially disagree. I suspect that in principle they are opposed to the use of abortifacients. However, for many households living on the edge of poverty an extra child may be ruinous, so the alternative would be infanticide. I lay odds that they choose abortion over infanticide. Rhythm method and condoms are probably also used to reduce the odds of having to resort to abortion.

A propos of rhythm method: would you suspect that female cultists linked to the fertility rune would have some extra insight into when they are fertile? Kind of like Orlanthi having a feeling about what the weather will do? That could make the rhythm method much more effective.

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