Chargg, Pelorian Burrowings and Teshnos

From: Peter Metcalfe <>
Date: Fri, 11 Oct 1996 21:37:36 +1200

Frank Rafaelsen:

>As I'm now playing a Loskalm placed campaign I just have to bring this up.
>I've been trying, for quite som time now, to figure out an interesting
>twist to this enigma. [Charrg] I'm looking to this group for more
>inpiration (all comments are welcome)

Chargg is a land full of Bull worshippers. Think of Storm Bull. These people do know of Loskalm as they migrated from the province of Tawars but they are going to be very hard pressed to march through Jonatela and the Kngdom of War to menace the Loskalmi Reaches. A good sourcebook on their culture would be the Bisosae section of the Entekosiad.

This is not to say that when the Ban thaws from Chargg, what comes out will certainly be a Bull Empire. But it is probable that Bulls will be a major component. In any case, Chargg probably have a major impact on the Western Reaches and the Upper Janube.

>The best I could come up with was based on the prophecy in the Crusible of
>The Hero Wars. Especially the passage that talked about wolves at Sog's

I believed that referred to the Wolf Pirates from Ygg's Isle.

Joerg Baumgartner:

DC>> Do modern Pelorians acknowledge the 'classic' (ie God
>>Learnerish) Celestial Court, or only the one from GRoY?

>We first have to find out whether the 'classic' Celestial Court (CC) was
>inherited by the Jrusteli from the Theyalan Councils (IMO it was).

IMO it wasn't. The Celestial Court was an observable phenomenon from all over glorantha during the good old days and every major culture would have had it's own names for the Celestial Court. Furthermore the Theyalans have their indigenous version of the Celestial Court which is described in the tale of the First Harp from KoS. I don't see why the God Learners have to thieve from the Theyalans when they have perfectly adequate mythology of their own.                                           

[Are the lowfires and Yelorna known in Peloria?]

>Both should be known in Dara Happa (sic), since a good portion of the Dara
>Happan nobility are descended from Praxians. The beast rider descended Dara
>Happoi will have brought some of their spirits with them, and they won't
>have disappeared without any trace.

I doubt the lowfires migrated via this way as the Overlords would have had their fires lit and their weapons smithed by their new subjects. Furthermore, the unicorn women were not among the nomads that fought against the Horse Riders at Argentium Th'rile so I stongly doubt they would have been rewarded with lands over parts of Southern Dara Happa. Also the female warrior society would have been a major cause of social disruption in Patriachal Dara Happa yet we hear nothing about Pelorian Bra-burning until the Carmanian Conquest.

This doesn't settle David's original question about whether her cult is found in Jarst but IMO she isn't (David in fact knows my opinions on this matter which is why he is asking it here).


Anthony Bushell:

> I was wondering if anyone can help me with information on the far
>east of Genertela, in particular the lands of Teshnos, Trowjang, Fanzai, and
>the Fethlon forest. I have the information from the Genertela Book but
>would like to hear of anything else that anyone may have encountered.

Since Loren's search engine is down, the following digests will contain some useful information on Teshnos (grab them from the archives).

v02.n614        Basic Information on Teshnos
v02.n617        Teshnan Army Tactics (or lack thereof)
v02.n619        What Harstar's followers are called
v02.n620        Teshnan Social Structure
v02.n625        Teshnan farming practices

Fethlon Forest rarely suffers from any incursions by Kralorela because IMO the Kralori have enough trouble getting the province of Boshan to pay their taxes (think of the Chinese domination of Vietnam).

I'm unsure if Fanzai Island is actually ruled by the Yellow Elves although there are yellow elves there. The Dragonewts there are slightly different from that found in Dragon Pass and the Kralori maintain that they taught the 'newts there how to become Dragons. The northern part of Fanzai Island was settled within historical times by an invasion fleet from Vorumain which got lost within the Sea of Fog. Although the inhabitants are indistingishably Kralori to the outsiders, their foreign origins is one reason why the Kralori allow foreigners there.

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