
From: danny bourne <>
Date: Sat, 2 Nov 1996 11:30:46 GMT


>Steve Coltman:
>> Are there any Mermen in the Safelster sea.

You're the GM, you should decide whether there are or not. Don't listen to any of us lot, if you think there should be then there are. If not then not. THere's no one true Glorantha that you must adhere to. In my experience the less one relies on personal time and effort put in. Players prefer it that way too, it makes the campaign more individualistic.The more time a GM puts in, the more it makes the players feel that he cares. It also enhances the chance of adventure ideas as you 'go with the flow' and see what falls.

Adventure writers of the RQ world unite, you have nothing to lose but be Gregged!

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