Compromised Chaos Gods

From: Michael Raaterova <>
Date: Mon, 11 Nov 1996 10:39:15 +0100

Philip Hibbs wonders:

>> the Compromise is merely an agreement between the gods not to take any
>>action within Time. So who makes sure that the gods honour their agreement?
>>The gods themselves, of course ... And they all
>>know that that sort of thing could escalate into a new Gods War, which is
>>precisely what the Chaos Gods are waiting for.

>So what keeps the Chaos Gods within the Compromise? I think the Compromise is
>maintained by Arachne Solara's web, or something. Not really my specialist area
>ok knowledge, though.

The Chaos Gods are not bound to the Compromise. The gods agreed to the Compromise to be able to keep Chaos at bay, and as long as they keep to the Compromise, the Chaos Gods have limited possibilities to act in Glorantha.

So they wait for opportunities to sneak past the Compromise. Within Time they have seized the moment on at least two occasions - the Birth of Osentalka/ Nysalor and the apotheosis of the Red Goddess.

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