
From: Nick Effingham <>
Date: Thu, 14 Nov 1996 00:00:34 +0000


>Could you give the exact reference for this (page and location on page)?
>I'd like to look it up now that you've brought it to our attention.

Certainly, p.75 in the grey box.

>As a comment on this part of the debate, so far, I think it no longer looks
>like it is getting anywhere. The views seem to be polarised, and I can
>detect no sense of feeling for common ground or understanding.

Actually, I'm starting to come to the same opinion as well...

> A good option for me would be to clarify
>which Orlanthi each of us is talking about, and what concept of "time" each
>of us is talking about.

I think this would take a *long* time. Each element of time has, up until now, been dissected, put under the microscope and then discarded with unsatisfied results.

> I think this would indicate that many of us are
>actually talking about different concepts, and arguing at cross purposes as
>they intermingle.

Okay, I give in!! I give up!! These conversations are starting to make my head spin! This is my last post about bloody time!!

>Can you give me an example of a loop-hole or paradox related to time in
>mythology that a Sartarite Orlanthi might bring up with his or her godi (or
>pick a different group if you like)?

But, since I don't want to look as if I'm kopping out, I shall think of a paradox and send it via private E-mail, which might well be the best place for the Time argument.


> I thought we were argueing about the nature of Godtime time, not
>just Orlanthi beliefs on it.

 Hey!! Read my posts more clearly :) I specifically said i was giving only the Orlanthi POV, nevermind to whether *I* thought it was right or wrong.

>Even if (though it seems unlikely) some Orlanthi believe that time did not
>exist in the Godtime, if it bloody well did and the Pelandans are pretty
>clear on that point, surely that makes the whole debate rather frivolous?

Who cares? Not me, that's for sure. The question "What is the *real* truth" doesn't matter to me, only what people believe at the moment.


>Is there any evidence (especially from an Orlanthi POV) that people
>died of Old Age before the Dawn. I know we have loads of references
>to Grandfather Mortal (which just means that he had had loads of kids
>who had begat kids etc.) and a few to Old Man (which might just be
>post event translation). But I can't remember any evidence that the
>Orlanthi had the concept of people dieing from the aging process before
>the Dawn.

Cheers for agreeing with me.

Michael Raaterova:

>If the gods weren't
>active and present in the world with a will of their own, they'd be nothing
>but natural forces with accessible spells.

I think this is how the GL, Ralzakark and certain Illuminates think of them, enormous plug sockets linked up to Arachne Solara Electricity.


Nick E.

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Nick the Shaman of Thed
I thought Britain was Dorastor without broo, but then Sandy made it all clear to me.
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