
From: David Weihe <>
Date: Mon, 13 Jan 97 10:21:01 EST

> From: "Erik Sieurin" <>
> Let's say you have a heroquest which is very similar to Androcles and
> the Lion, OK?
> So in the story, the Hero helps a wild beast out of the kindness of
> his heart, and as result he is later not attacked by the same beast.
> Now, suppose that a person named X is to perform this quest. I assume
> most heroquesters know the myth they are following, though certain
> details may faulty. So X goes along, and when he encounters the Lion,
> he helps it, but NOT because of kindness, but because of cold
> calculation: if I help the Lion, he will not attack me later.
> So the quest-question is: Is intent important, or action?

The Greeks didn't care about intent or inner beliefs - a man was defined by what he said and what he did. I think that most other societies in the RW Bronze Age felt the same way. Thus my expectation is that action is the most important part.

On the other hand, if the Quester approaches the beast with *too* obvious a cynical intent it will affect the reaction, so that the Heroplane beast will make a precise bargain, rather than a friendship bargain. That is, the letter will be kept, rather than any spirit. Lion might give Hero a hank of mane hair with which to request aid, but if the Hero lost it Lion would not give aid, whereas if Hero had approached with a seeming helpful demeaner, Lion might actually decide to keep a lookout for when his new friend gets into trouble.

This is the difference between Arkat's "Always with Humility" and the late period GodLearners sacking the HeroPlane for powers. The Arkati at least fain concern, and so get better relationships with the Powers.

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