dragons and planets

From: Peter Metcalfe <P.Metcalfe_at_student.canterbury.ac.nz>
Date: Tue, 21 Jan 1997 13:30:12 +1200

Nick Brooke:

When making the good point that Drang could have been intended to rule Caladraland, Nick sez:

>OTOH, the Golden Dragon (which may have been the Emperor Sothenik, is
>almost certainly Sun Dragon from RQ2, and which became the Dara Happan
>Emperor in "The Fortunate Succession") is known to have existed long before
>the EWF took Dara Happa.

I always got the impression that the Sun Dragon (which may have been Sothenik) was a different beastie than the Golden Dragon. There is the EWF frieze* in Vanch (shown in the Fortunate Succession) which depicts the Dragon Sun on top of the Golden Dragon and they are different in size and shape.

Furthermore the Dragon Sun is one creature with a definite existance whereas the Golden Dragon is more commonally referred to as a society. There seems to be a distinction in the EWF between Cultic Dragons which are formed through the massed 'dreamings' of its members (the previously mentioned Drang, The Storm Dragon in the Argrath Saga, and Boztankios (sp?) the Fang mentioned in 'Argrath of Pavis'**) and Draconic Heroes such as the Sun Dragon, the Second Dragon etc. The Dragon Sun may have some leading part within the Golden Dragon when it awakes or it could be that the Golden Dragon is subservient to him, but I don't believe that they are the *same*.

I've noticed that the EWF planned for the entire population of Dara Happa to be split among five cults. Any idea of what those cults are? The Golden Dragon is undoubtedly one whereas the New Blue Dragon also depicted in the Fortunate Succession.

*People may interject here and say there are no remains of the EWF occupation in Dara Happa. Which is true, but ignores the existance of EWF remains elsewhere - ie as well as the vanchi frieze there is the EWF scribblings in KoS. So why no remants in Dara Happa? My theory is that the EWF buildings and friezes were built or carved *on* the Dragons that were resident in Dara Happa after its occupation. So when the Dragons were killed or driven off, the EWF buildings were virtually junked.

**There is also the example of the Zistorites all over the world who after Zistor was killed lost their ability to dream.

Erik Sieurin:

>the Falstaff to Humath's Henry iV (? forgot his number).

'Look! When yer King of France, you've got better things to do then go around memorizing your bluidy number!'

                        Louis XVIIIth in Monty Python.

Stephen P Martin:

>The Eight Planets

>When I sought a correspondence, it was more from the _original_
>nature of the Eight Planets (as described in GRoY), not any current

That's not the original. On the very first page of the GRAY Text (excluding the Calender), Plentonius describes yet another Celestial Court Tradition with Primolt being a member. If the God Learner Court describes Yelm, Dendara and the Eight Sons then this should be looked at also.

[list snipped]

>Hmm, some problems here, I see. Two Kargan Tors, two Orenoars, a blank
>space, and no Ratslaf/Disorder, Tylenea/Illusion, or Uleria/Life. Anyone
>want to try to fix this, or am I barking up the wrong pillar, er tree?

It gets worse. If you use opposed runes (ie Truth/Illusion) then if Verithurus is the Master of Wisdom then should Shargash be the Master of Illusion? Either I'll have to junk the Opposed Runes of the God Learners or I'll have to say that the Dara Happan Mythology is wrong. Neither of this appeals to me, so I'm left with saying that each mythology only presents a limited insight* into the Celestial Court and we do not know enough to complete the supposed connections between the Dara Happan myth and the God Learner myth.

*In much the same way that the Dara Happans are ignorant of Tolat's potential for fertility which is celebrated in Trowjang.

ObInsaneInsight: If Entekos is Glorantha who is now Arachne Solara (according to CoP) what does that tell us about Yara Aranis who is described in terms of a spider (she is spoken as walking like a spider in the Fortunate Succession and falling upon Sheng Seleris like a Wolfspider onto a fly)?

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