Carmanian Humakti

From: David Cake <>
Date: Wed, 22 Jan 1997 18:26:09 +0800

>As a Carmanian, I don't think Yanafal Ta'arnils had ever _heard_ of the
>Humakt cult when he helped to create the Red Goddess. He probably
>worshiped the Carmanian War God (Carmanos?), which has some similarities
>to the Humakt cult. But from what little I remember about Carmanos, I
>think it likely the War Cult of Carmania allowed resurrection. For the
>right people. I could be wrong.

        Beware, I think you have meddled with the nature of the universe too much, and will soon feel the wrath of the spirits of thousands of retconned* Humakti and Yanafali, who will hunt you to the ends of the earth.

        Seriously, the relationship between Humakt and Yanafals is FAR too well established to get away with dramatically changing without really upsetting most of the Gloranthan community (make the Elmal controversy seem like nothing). Its in the history of the Lunar Empire, in G:COTHW, the cult writeups, half the Humakti or Yanafali characters ever written, and the best sources of Carmanian info available on the net (Nicks excellent (and damned-near-official) Carmanian material, available on his site and Lorens). And I can almost feel Andrew Joelson's Rupert von Harl, of
>Andrew Joelson -|-
>aka Rupert von Harl; Cults of Seven Mothers, Yanifal Tarnils and Humakt |

swooping down to behead you now.

        Now, Yanafals almost certainly did not worship 'Humakt'. But he almost certainly worshipped a Carmanian god that a Manirian (or Provincial Yanafali) would recognise as being a lot like Humakt, and that a God Learner would almost certainly think was the same guy. A god who didn't allow Resurrection and had some serious death magic. And probably not Carmanos, who is quite a different guy, more a mystery god of the shahs than of the soldiers, unlikely to be confused with Humakt - the Carmanians have a whole bunch of gods (the EthTelsen, the hundred lesser gods) that the simpler orders like Hazars or Karmanoi are allowed to worship, one of whom is a great deal like Humakt and often referred to as such. We just haven't got around to making up a neat Carmanian name for him yet AFAIK, or describing how the Carmanian Humakti differ from all the others (though Peter Michaels old 'Humakti Hearts' idea had some cool bad press on the the Carmanian Humakti). Nick?

        Personally, I think there is a Carmanian god with a Carmanian name, who is a god of soldiers and death, who hates Resurrection and who has game stats very similar to the Humakt cult, who is recognised as 'Humakt' by modern Yanafali much as Turos is recognised as Lodril by modern Lodrili. The Sartarites etc. just assume that Yanafals fought Humakt, because they don't deny it, it certainly sounds like it, and almost none of them have the cultural sophistication to think how unlikely it is that the Carmanians have the same religion by the same name.



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