
From: Michael O'Brien <>
Date: Mon, 27 Jan 1997 15:19:00

G'day all,


There's been quite a bit of discussion about Truestone lately. IMG, we played Truestone like this: each Truestone was set - eg. it could store X amounts of Divine Magic. We never did get get round to figuring out why one Truestone could hold more than another; now I will say that when a Blank Truestone is filled, the points of Divine Magic pumped into it 'sets' the amount it can store forever onwards.

As in the current description, anyone touching such a Blank Truestone must fight an almost irresistable urge to cast all their divine magic into it (which is why STRANGERS IN PRAX's Nose Ring resorted to chewing one of his own fingers off fighting the compulsion after he found such a stone out in the wilderness. He only knew 1 point of Divine Magic, and wanted to get back to civilisation where a priest could set the stone to a much higher level).

Thus you might have a 1 point Truestone, a 7 point Truestone, a 23 point Truestone and so on, depending on how many points were pumped in when the stone was set. IMG, the SIZ of the stone is not important - a Truestone the size of a grain of sand might hold 107 points, another the size of 1967 Volkswagon Beetle might only hold 3.

Once you cast your Divine Magic into a Truestone, you can pray to get the spells back (unless they're one-use, in which case they're gone). You don't have to wait until someone uses the spells in the stone.

Once divine spells are cast from the Truestone, it can be 'refilled' with others up to the amount of points it can store. The new spells do not have to be the same as those that were in it before, nor even from the same cult! Thus a 7 point stone can be filled with any 7 points of divine magic, and used (and then refilled) by anyone who knows divine magic.

This makes Truestone pretty potent I know, but IMO it bloody well should be!

[Hmmm, a question: do people get an irresistable urge to cast all their divine magic into the Block, or has it already been 'set', and if so, by who?]


MOB PS I apologise if some recent messages from my home e-mail account ( appear more than once: there seems to have been a serious glitch on the weekend with the server there.

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[XXIX.0982/NC-17[restricted: junior apprentices avert thine eyes!] THE ULERIAN VARIANCES, a treatise, extensively researched by Ficus Lovechild, sagemaster of the amorous art. "The 769 Positions of Uleria", 1...

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