Too much waffle?

From: Martin Laurie <102541.3423_at_CompuServe.COM>
Date: 04 Feb 97 17:14:14 EST

Michael Raaterova comments:
>I didn't mind the Alkoth detail, which was perfectly on topic here. I did
>mind the annoying "Shargash is a part of Yelm/ Shargash is a separate
>deity" droning (who really cares?). When Good Stuff is buried in otherwise
>boring ramblings, it gets trashed with the rest, which is too bad.

Well its pretty important to me! You don't play a Shargashi character and you don't have a postion to defend, whereas I do. Peter merely disagreed and I merely expressed a contrary opinion. There was "good stuff" in that if you were looking for the right things because the argument produced a significant amount of ideas on how Shargashi behave, how they act in battle, how others see them, how others see themselves and - very importantly - it showed how the Shargashi think mythically about themselves and their god.

Okay, you have to read through some irritating stuff but it appears you did anyway, you could have skimmed it.

Now what would you like to ask me and others about Shargash frex? What do _you_ want to say about it - tell me and I'll be happy to discuss anything that we raised or new subjects too.

Martin Laurie

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