Scenario ideas

Date: Wed, 5 Feb 1997 12:27:43 GMT

Stephen Lucek asks for people to send some of their scenario ideas. Since I'm going to be using some of my mine on him and his wife I can't tell all of them, but here's a couple that might be of general interest.

1/ Humakti Oath

This is my favourite plot, but it needs a good GM to make it work properly.

The PCs are survivors of a devastating raid on their village. On looking for other survivors they find the Humakti Weaponsthane who has been hanging on for this oportunity. With the characters nearby he demands that they swear that they will deal vengence to the perpetrators unto the fifth generation.

He successfully DIs and make this into an Oath that affects all present. In his weakened state he can only put 4 MPs into it - the characters can put however many they want - ask each one privately. NPCs put in 10 MPs each.

The characters are now bound by the Oath and now must kill (optionally utterly degrade) all people who are related to the invaders. If the GM is nice these can be Broo or Tusk Riders or some similar horrible race that no-one else cares about. A nastier option is for the invaders to be a local clan (especially if that clan attacked the PC clan due to some misunderstanding) Related by five degrees will involve just about everyone in the invaders village plus a good portion of the surrounding area. The characters will almost certainly be declared outlaws and, being driven by the Oath, will be made to  kill babies in their cots and defenceless women and children. In order to complete their Oath they'll probably have to join wierd Death cults like Humakt or Storm Bull or Babester Gor or even Zorak Zoran. Added complications may be that the characters themselves are related to the perpetrators, or that a local tribal King is. In Orlanthi areas a considerable portion of the general resentment could be removed by declaring public feud in market places and willingness to have single combat with any of the oppsing clan.

One of the hardest parts is for the GM to enforce the Oath without alienating the players. "The Oath demands that you kill this baby" "Well I'm not going to" "OK you are attacked by a Sever Spirit with 37 MPs - you die". However it should work with the right GM and players. The Oath (ie the GM) should give a couple of warnings "OK - you've spent half a season preparing and you feel the pull of the Oath demanding that another of the Dulaks must die."

2/ Duelling Houses
This is also one of my favourite plots. Powerfull Noble Houses are vieing for controll. This is ideal in the Lunar Empire. Carmania is the place I would choose. The Characters are the upcoming generation in one of the Houses of the Empire and are relatively rich and have reasonable backing. The family decide to make/buy a BOAT to see if they can open any new trade routes round the White Sea. The White Sea is recently Opened from the Ban and no-one really knows what is happening around it. Only a few Houses have sent ships round it. A few have returned their investment 10 fold. One brought back a Barbarian Chieftan who wore a huge bear pelt of white fur. Because it's an uncertain venture only one or two important people are sent the rest being the PCs (and the crew of course). Hazards include "Sea" monsters, falling in the Ice cold water, storms, hostile natives, other ships owned by rival houses, pirates who can't resist the new shipping &c.
Half-way through the principle negotiator falls overboard/is kill by pirates leaving the characters to arrange the trade contacts for the rest of the voyage (he may have made his DI and is safely back at the home castle)

One relatively prosperous port is actually ruled by a Vampire, who has been in charge since the begining of the Ban.

The main rivals' ships keep beating them to the interesting stops - what's their secret (bound undines? bound sylphs? putting enhance STR 15 on each rower? )

The players come across / taken prisoners by some pirates. Hopefully they battle/sneak free and free not only themselves but nick the pirates' ship as well (plus free some interesting hostages)

They come across some Sea Elves (long thought extinct) they haven't heard or don't care about the Sun/Moon Burns. If given Quicksilver they are instantly friendly otherwise they are neutral. (Perhaps something for the next trip)

The GM has to think of something happening at each stop, whether it's the prices of furs or gems, or whether there's good anchorage. It should be a combination of Star Trek and Elite. Remember that the PCs are representing their House and so must leave a good impression (and a bad impression of the other Houses [but a good impression of Lunar Civilisation as a whole]).

If you find these interesting/useful please let me know.


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