What I'd like

From: Michael Cule <mikec_at_room3b.demon.co.uk>
Date: Thu, 06 Feb 1997 23:21:59 GMT

Well, since people are asking...

I'd like a series of campaigns designed to fill the gap between the good starting games (BORDERLANDS, APPLE LANE, RISKLANDS....) and the high level stuff (SHADOWS ON THE BORDERLANDS, STRANGERS IN PRAX, DORASTOR...). I'd also like someone to think about ways in which campaigns can be designed that stretch from the starting level up to Rune Level and beyond. I think this would have to be done with something like PENDRAGON's BOY KING chronology.

I'd like more material about the West. I'd like RQ4 *and* Glorantha the Game to be published. I'd like to win the Lottery so I can buy up all the good game systems and worlds going begging for a home.....

Oh, and due to a computer cock-up I'd like someone to post me digests 169 to 172 inclusive. Thanks awfully....

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