more stuff

From: Peter Metcalfe <>
Date: Wed, 19 Feb 1997 22:42:21 +1300

David Weihe:

Me>> So
>> perhaps the original evil ruler was Erlandus or Ernaldus or even Ernanth.

>I thought that Erlandus was one of the local Orlanth variants from the time
>of the Broken Council. The language shifts are rather minor, after all.

He's not a local variant of Orlanth. the Erlandings were one of the Great Barbarian Confederations to invade Peloria before the Great Darkness and they apparently worshipped Vadrus (from Suvarian evidence). If you mean Erlandus is a variant Storm Ancestor worshipped by one of the myriad storm tribes in the Old Days then I'd agree with you, but these Storm Ancestors are not variations on Orlanth. Rather Orlanth is one of *many* that has survived to become dominant and all the others have become minor gods or has-beens (such as Vingkot, Odayla, Vadrus etc).

>As a final refutation, anyone detested by Dara Happans can't be all bad,
>at least to an Orlanthi.

If that is so, why did 'Orlanth' kill him and marry his wife? He must have been bad in Orlanthi eyes.

>Unless there is good evidence that Dragon Pass was created post-Dawn,
>I would say that Yelm (and/or various sons) is the best Original Evil
>Emperor. Whether the storm tribes actually *were* ever *ruled* by him is
>another question -- all that would be needed would be that tales drifted
>south, and then powerful Heroes and Godlings would drift north to
>investigate. The conflict would be inevitable.

Er, barbarians usually migrate because of loot and easy plunder to be had and not because they have heard of an evil emperor to the north. Their myths usually describe their own social origins using local tribal politics rather than cosmological themes writ large.

Since the idea of freedom is central to the Orlanthi Clan and the image of the Evil Emperor is a bugbear in their mythology, the Evil Emperor Archetype must have originally been someone _local_ to Dragon Pass IMO.

Brian K. Curley:

>What are the local terms for currency in Sartar prior to the Lunar

According to RQII, they were also known as Guilders. Since Sartar set up the Cities with their guilds, this sounds appropiate.

David Dunham:

>Dragonewt (OK, the Dara Happan version just has the triangle).

I think it's thought to be the Dragonewts by modern Lunars - the triangle shows up as a Mountain in the Entekosiad whereas Turos and other volcano gods are not dragons.

Simon Phipp:

>No, no, no. The Jrusteli fanatics might say this, but this is not
>what sensible folk mean by the Monomyth. I am against saying that
>Ehilm is Yelm or that Humct is Humakt or that Shargash is Yelm. The
>Monomyth is *NOT* about equating all sun gods or all storm gods or
>all death gods. It is about identifying the common myths of the gods.

I'm sorry but identifying a solar god as being a face of Ehilm *is* what the monomyth is about. That is what the average gloranthan understands by monomyth and no sensible folk uses 'monomyth' in glorantha as they all know it was an Evil God Learner Invention.

>Ralians worship Ehilm who holds the Purifying Fire of the Sun.

Ehilm is the impersonal Solar Disc (per Wyrms Footprints). The Purifying Fire is an Orlanthi myth.

>These [sun gods] are not the same deity.

They are not the same cults but since these cults all worship the Sun, they are the same diety. Or else we might be saying that the Lunars and the Malkioni worship different Creators. Or was it the Cosmic Dragon who created the World? How about Earthmaker?

>The Monomyth, in its purest form, is the detailing of the events that
>happened in the GodTime in a concise, unbiased way.

No, that is History. The God Learners were verbose and blinkered, but they didn't care because they knew they were right.

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