Re: Naskorion

From: David Dunham <>
Date: Sun, 2 Mar 1997 10:56:34 -0800

Ingo Tschinke <> asked

> Give me your opinion and your thoughts
> concerning Naskorion, please.

In my game, the Naskori are something of an enemy culture, not terribly well developed. However...

Methe the Traveller of the Belovaking clan once visited Naskorion: "I never saw anyone eat a baby or sacrifice an alynx while I was in Naskorion, but they were probably all on their best behavior. The Naskori know the Greeting, but they don't worship Orlanth properly. For one thing, their temples are square and have roofs. Their farmers are not allowed to worship, nor can they own horses."

In my campaign, Naskorion is basically "Aeolian*" -- Saints+ Orlando and Ralia are the two most important gods. Their cults are much as in GoG, except sorcery replaces spirit magic. As a Delelan, Methe doesn't have a good understanding of the caste system -- Farmers are in fact allowed to worship Orlando Thunderous, though not the other aspects. (Knights worship Orlando the Warrior, and Lords worship Orlando Rex. Wizards may worship any of the aspects, and of course other gods as well.)

The Naskori are much like their Orlanthi neighbors, though since they live in flatter land better suited to agriculture, they don't have the cattle fixation of the Delelans. Their horses are slightly larger, and instead of melodious bagpipes, they play the dread accordion.

> The Stygian Church of Naskorion
> This Church was founded only recently by Rainard de la Faucille, the Duke of
> Naskorion

In my campaign this hasn't happened yet, and there's little Darkness worship. However, unlike their Delelan neighbors, the Naskori don't hate Arkat, and they won't rise up in rebellion when their Duke adopts an unusual new religion. I see few of the common folk joining the Duke's Stygian Church, but anyone who seeks political advancement will become a member (and the Duke will make membership practically a condition to hold title from him).

> The caste system of the Stygian Church is very flexible. Caste can be
> changed when the person in question so wishes. Furthermore, this Church sees
> men and women as equal in all aspects.

While I'd make it fairly flexible (they're pseudo-Orlanthi), I'm sure you can't just switch castes at will. There are probably tests, though not as strict as the Hrestoli, and I'm sure the nobility can raise you up a caste.

David Dunham <> Glorantha/RQ page: <> Imagination is more important than knowledge. -- Albert Einstein

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