You evil RPG players

From: Frederic J-M Moulin <>
Date: Tue, 04 Mar 1997 06:00:22 -0500

Just as I was putting a lot of hope in the publishing by an Italian company of the new RuneQuest Figurine rules and more Glorantha stuffs, I just stumble on the web on a page: That says that somebody wants to ban the entire role-playing games/ Card games from Italy...
Does'nt sound very good to me: Does any of the italian members of the list have more information ??
I discovered it because another member of the list, Denise Calaway has some troubles with the Austin Public library and Glorantha WEB sites.

>As of Feb. 1st the Austin Public
>Libraries installed CyberPatrol software to screen out material that "is not
>fit for children". I spoke with the guy heading up this project at the
>I told him I was unable to access Web sites about games due to Cyber >Patrol.
>He told me that they had to screen out games since "some of them like >D&D
>Satanic in nature". ..... I almost exploded in anger. But I kept it inside.

I guess the Austin public Library has not been informed that really the devil is pinned under the Block, and that we all, faithfull Storm Bull followers, keep a carefull watch... ;-)
Well, it looks like our good old friend BADD is not dead yet. Sometime I wonder if really I am, in any way, genetically related with those people. Maybe they just look like us...

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