Death and fertility

Date: Thu, 6 Mar 1997 19:46:39 -0500 (EST)

Let's talk death and fertility: In Genertela, there just isn't enough extra "spirit yummy" to go around. Thus, if the Priestesses of Ernalda, Dendara, or whomever, don't Bless Crops every planting, there will be no worthwhile growth in a field. I would say that this extends to other fields of fertility.

Since death (the leaving of the mortal world) is a natural opposite of birth (the entry into that world), it makes sense that only a being who violates the Compromise to some extent could combine Death and Fertility in any serious way. Thus, any Humakti, Gori, or other Death cultist would most likely be sterile without some serious divine aid or way to "break the rules".

Orlanth, now a patron of fecundity, you will note, has surrendered his Death aspect to Humakt's care, for example.

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