Re: Sub-cults and Hero Cults

From: David Weihe <>
Date: Fri, 7 Mar 97 15:06:21 EST

> From: Joseph Troxell <>
> How would one establish a shrine to a sub-cult or a hero cult in an
> established temple?
> For example, if the local temple of Humakt wishes to establish a shrine to
> Inginew Swordsmith (from TotRM #15). Would you just erect a shrine, and
> *bing* you have access to the sub-cult magic? It seems like it should be
> more involved than that. Would you get a Sword who was in the sub-cult to
> come and sanctify the new shrine?

This implies a sort of Apostolic Succession would be needed, which I don't really like. Glorantha is still close enough to the Mythic that it should be possible to get access to the subcult through a Quest to meet the source, or any deceased Sword with access to that subcult. Possibly the Temple Spirit could do it, possibly even come from special Spell or Magic Spirits with Divine instead of Spirit magic (declared rare but possible in the Deluxe Rulebook, I believe).

Getting a Sword already in the subcult would be nice, when it is fairly easy, but if the Sword in question is half a continent away, or on the other side of a feud, the gods will find other ways.

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