Re: Don't have kids! - Do!

From: Joerg Baumgartner <>
Date: Tue, 11 Mar 97 21:17 MET

David Hall spoke up again on Humakt.

>By Heortling I'm referring to the Orlanthi of Heortland, from which tribes
>most of the Sartarite Orlanthi are descended. Sorry for any confusion.

I'll agree with the definition, but not necessarily with the all-encompassing equalisation.

>Ahh! So that's the difference! They can screw as much as they want as long
>as they don't have kids! Do you by any chance have a Humakti or Babs Gor
>player character?

By any chance I have a character in my campaign whose dad is a Humakti (well, was, died shortly after the Starbrow rebellion, as a result of it). His elder brother is, too, and he's married and has kids as well, but this character has a serious problem both with the way his father brought him up, and with the devotion to Humakti concepts in general. Most of all he hated his father's "service over family" approach, leaving him with a lot less of a father than the other kids.

IMO this is a normal outcome of a Humakti marriage - some kids who catch the gist, and become Humakti as well, and others who break upon the code of honour, and try to escape is soonest possible.

The character in question joined the Aeolian version of Orlanth Adventurous, tending to Orlanth Mischevious.

>It suggests to me that the rules don't quite match with the myth. The rules
>wimp out - perhaps it was felt that players would not be able to role-play

Not at all. We're talking humans here, not gods. If everybody would be like his/her god, we'd have Godtime...

Humans aspire to perfect ideals, but only few even come close. Those who do are called heroes, and often attributed "tragic". Characters rarely are tragic, thus rarely approach perfection.

>The case for Humakti not being allowed to till fields and
>farm, and having to be celibate, looks increasingly strong to me.

If you want warrior-monks like the knights Templar, ok. Would be a subcult, and about as obscure ast the Templars within general chivalry. If you like it that much, make that subcult more frequent in your area of campaign, but don't claim universality within the known Glorantha! (i.e. Sartarite-like Orlanthi in Prax and around)

>Or do too many of us have existing Humakti and Babs Gor PC's for it to be

Yes. And you are breaking the belief built up over almost two decades of roleplaying in Glorantha, IMO, if you demand this strict measures for a cult which originated as mercenary cult (in the game, I mean). Nowhere is stated that Humakti cease to be humans.

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