One fifth New Pelorian.

From: Alex Ferguson <>
Date: Mon, 24 Mar 1997 02:00:10 GMT

Peter Metcalfe says, onomatopoeiacly:

> Arf:
> ====

Well, it makes a change from "Er", I have to admit that. ;-)

> I view all the Pelorian farmers as having the same
> basic language whereas Dara Happan and New Pelorian are merely
> the dialects spoken by the wealthy and educated.

The G:G language rules partially support this, but also indicate that DH and NP are more dissimilar, both to each other and to the Pelorian Farmer Languages, than any of the PFLs are to each other. Assuming this is correct, and Greg hasn't Gregged himself on this, there must be some significance to this, given the geographical variation that already must exist with the PFLs.

The PFLs, I suggest, each have a Pelandan basis, but are heavily overlaid with varying amounts of Theyalan, Dara Happan, Pentan, and Carmanian influences, loan-words, etc. Pelandan and Dara Happan were at some point quite distinct, though already by the time of GRAY are becoming somewhat smooshed together. (Originally I'd thought names like "Antirius" were Pelandanisms, but it would appear not. Darsen or thereabouts, anyone?)

New Pelorian can't just be a Root Mean Square Pelorian Farmer Language, nor can it simply be RMSPFL+DH. Instead, I think it's a deliberate and self-conscious attempt to recreate the "original" Pelandan language, effectively Purging the PFLs of their tyranical overlord influences (though far from completely so in the Dara Happan case), and decreasing the inter-comprehensibility in the process. This process is alluded to in the Entekosiad, as JeSevenisation, though New Pelorian isn't identitified as the end result, that I recall.


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