Re: The Elihmocentric Hypothesis

From: Loren Miller <>
Date: Mon, 24 Mar 1997 22:51:37 +0000

Andrew Behan writes:
> All good Malkioni know that Acos lies at the centre of the universe and
> that Elihm and the other planets orbit along perfect triangular trajectories.
> However there are rumours that some idiot half-pagan wizard from the
> backend of Ralios has revived the Elihmocentric Heresy.
> Even worse this idiot claims that the planets traverse hideous and
> illogical orbits shaped like a Sky Rune centred on Elihm, rather than the
> Law Rune which we know on the authority of ancient Zzabur to be correct.

Actually, it's an infinite number of stretched out law runes, each one of which is exactly the same area as all the others, arranged in a somewhat circular arrangement around the center, which is the eternal conflagration of Tyram the Sky Terror, who bound Ehilm before the dawn.


Loren Miller <> A priest, a rabbi, a Penn student, and an elephant walk into a bar. The bartender says, "what is this, some kinda joke?"

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