Re: linguistic wrenches

From: Alex Ferguson <>
Date: Wed, 26 Mar 1997 01:14:06 GMT

Pam C:
> My point is, I can
> see a large are of Pelandan influence in western Peloria, while farmer
> languages in eastern Peloria may have a Theyalan base.

I agree about the variability, though I think that before long the Pelandan and Theyalan influences are pretty jumbled up, rather than exhibiting terribly smooth progression.

> Big wrench time - consider that Dara Happan may be more related to
> Pentan than anythings else.

I hadn't really considered this linguisticly, though it's something of an Old Chestnut in other fields. (A couple of Cons ago I tried to get Greg to comment on some old throwaway note (RQ Companion, maybe) implying that DH he gotten sun worship from the Pentans. Oops. (I think his "comment" was to issue a Mysterious Greg Smile, nod sagely, and say something like "It did kinda suggest that, didn't it?")

My feeling is there's a likely a Large Grain of truth in this, though ultimately the language is probably going to be at least as much a mish-mash as the religion is...

> Intriguing. What do you think of the idea that Anritius came out of the
> Hyaloring tradition?

Also intruiging. ;-) Doesn't _sound_ very Hyalori, though... (If there's such a thing as a Hyaloring Sound, given the confused origins.)

> But I like the idea of New Pelorian being an attempt to recreate old
> Pelandan, though I would guess it is heavily influenced by the Torangi
> dialects.

Isn't Torang relatively Pelandan-ish anyway, from what little we know about its language? All the Paradisial Poseurs had rather Pelandan-sounding names anyway, roughly the same part of the world (or close enough to sound good to a person with all his maps at home).

Peter M:
> IMO the PFL are the vulgar versions of the Dara Happan Speech heavily
> enriched by whatever local speech used to exist and various
> influences. But Dara Happan became a fixed courtly speech
> whereas the PFLs kept on changing.

Sounds rather the wrong way round to me... Recall from the Entekosiad a Mere Peasant correcting a DH type on her use of Pelandan glyphs. And if Pam's thesis is correct, or partly so, then (elements of) the PFLs may have changed _less_ than DH since the Darkness...

Having said that, it seems fairly inescapable that the peasants living actually _in_ DH would have their "PFL" more resembling DH than anything else. Unless they all speak NP these days, which seems unlikely.

> FWIW, Antirius IMO originally comes from Pelanda and is related
> to Turos

I can mostly believe that, as inarguably he does seem to have a High Pelandan City State Mob Rule flavour to him. The linguistic connection may be a bit tenuous though...

> All I have to figure out
> know is how (and where) the ending changes from -ros to become -ri
> before being picked up by the Dara Happans to become -rius.

As -os => -ius is a fairly standard Greek => Latin "coersion", that part sounds like the least of your worries. The -tur- to -tir- xform may need more handwaving...

[if New Pelorian is an attempt to recreate "original Pelandan"...]

> This makes me wonder. Would New Pelorian then be a Restoration Era
> language?

That would appear to follow, more or less...


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