
From: Andrew Joelson <>
Date: Thu, 27 Mar 1997 07:25:31 -0600

                The Last IceBreaker, part II

        Hemarnna Eel-Airish, High Priestess of Deezola, Counsellor of Graclodont and Hand of the Great Sister sat quietly at her desk. "Is that all, Traveller Harlios?"

"Yes, High Priestess," Harlios answered. He stood before Hemarnna's
desk at parade rest. His one ceremonial robe was plain and worn, compared even to the everyday robes of the Great Sister's servents. At least the guest staff had managed to remove the fold marks.

"Seal the record, Bergion, then leave us." Hemarnna's secretary
quietly poured wax for his mistress, who stamped the parchement with her seal ring. He then bowed his way out.

"Sit down, Traveller Harlios. You make take Bergion's chair."
"Thank you, High Priestess."

        There followed a short pause. "Why were you joining the relief column? You come well recommended, but I have seen such recommendations prove false. Sometimes they are a form of punishment."

"For hotheaded younger sons of Tripolis lords, perhaps. Soft,
shallow youths who live upon their families' bounty, without any particular desire to exert themselves. I am made of sterner stuff."

"No one soft and shallow becomes a Traveller, but such may still
be punished. Answer the question."

        There was an awkward pause, then Harlios answered, "It has long been an ambition of mine. When I was much younger, I set it up as a marker on the road of my life. Call it a goal, against which I choose to measure myself."

"There! I've said it," he thought. "Sneer and be damned."

"I supose you expect me to laugh at you, or make some cutting
little remark now? Just another 'Silver Shadow Bastard', revelling in her family connections and lording it over anyone of lesser lineage? Yes, yes, yes," said Hemarnna tiredly, "I've seen it all before. 'Heartland Assholes' I think is the other stock phrase; too busy with our intrigues to see which way the wind is blowing. Certainly too busy to pay any attention to the troubles in the provinces."

"Well let me explain something to you young man. There are two
kinds of Silver Shadow Bastards. The first are exactly as you think them; largely (but not completely) useless. But then there is also _my_ kind. Yes, I am up to my ears with intrigues. If I wasn't, I would soon loose this post. My family's influence helped put me here, and I am expected to use my own powers to help other, younger members of my clan."

"But I am not blind, either. I see what is happening in Dragon
Pass, in Aggar and Carmania. I do what I can with one hand; the other is reserved for keeping my head above water."

"You didn't like being called a Provincial Twit when you were in
Glamour, did you? Or Grass Green? Well, one of the reasons you were named so, is that you Provincials seldom can see the way the world is. I would happily do without all the plots and schemes; many of us would. There is no rest for me; no Retreats or Long Leaves. Such would end in my being displaced. Don't tell me you haven't seen this in the Provincial courts? Or Border Commands?"

"Yes, ma'am. But in the Provinces people have the sense to put
it aside at need. Someone who plots in the middle of a war usually ends up facing the headsman; scheming is a luxury no one can afford during an emergency."

"And so do we put aside all plots, when the Emperor puts down his
Imperial Foot. In the meanwhile men will scheme; it is in their nature. When everyone walks down the street with a drawn dagger, you do the same."

"Do you wonder why I speak so bluntly, Harlios? Because you are
the sort of fellow who becomes more and more suspicious, as the language becomes more honey'd. Very well, blunt speech for you. I am going to help you catch up with Inandana DaughtersBlood."

"Blunt speech? Well then, what is this going to cost me?"
"Little. I am not the sort to send you into a Quest without warning,
or without what preparation I can provide. When I put the screws in, you will see it coming, and be unable to avoid it. That's how I got my nasty reputation. But once the screws _are_ in, I'll back you to the hilt."

"Go on," said Harlios.
"You will leave here in five day's time. In the meanwhile, you will
renew your Devine Magics, and learn something of the Kalikos Rituals. Also, a Char'un ritual, that will speed you on your way."

"But not my companions..."
"No, they will stay here and 'anchor' the ritual. You cannot possibly
reach Inandana before her battle with Hend Valindsson. But after that, she will draw back to the Palace of Kalikos for the individual duels. Ah, you didn't know that, did you? Well, it's no great secret; it's just that nobody says much about it. I can get you to the Palace in time for the last duels. If the Hollri are in poor array, the rituals may end even as you arrive; but under such circumstances you are unlikely to have managed a duel in any event. As an unofficial part of the expedition, you have last claim."

"And while I am away, what use do you mean to put my friends to?"
"They will take up tasks that my staff normally fulfill here in
the temple. Then my people will perform certain acts, dangerous and secretive. I will risk _my_ followers, not yours."

"They will labor for you in the mornings, but shall receive training
and instruction in the afternoons."

"The temple will assess no fees for this; as my friends will be in
the temple's service."

"Certainly, as long as the instruction requested is not too unusual."
"This is too simple. You said blunt speech; where is the hidden

"There isn't one, Harlios. You have labored long and deserve a
reward; even if you have picked a hard and dangerous one. Have your friends not labored also?"

"Then why not let them have a Leave?"
"Because I am a Silver Shadow Bastard, and must get something for
my efforts. Even if it is but a little thing. Besides, I don't think you realize how long you will be away. The relief column will not return for two or three seasons. Ah! another thing you did not know. Well, there are followers of Kalikos that never see the sun. They are busy with their rituals year-in, year-out. You and the other expedition members will take up some of their duties for a while, so that they may receive _some_ rest."

"I see."
"I don't think you really do, young Traveller. This is the sort
of task I am happy to assist you in. It is the sort of deed you exist to perform. So was the clearing of that old ruin, shrine or no shrine."

"I was treated villianously! No, _we_ were treated villianously!"
"Yes, Harlios. But not because you were set the task. Rather, it
was wrong to trick you into something for which you had no time, and send you off heedless of the dangers. That was underhanded. But would you have objected to the task two seasons ago? if you had been asked to do something well within your company's ability? 'Please Traveller, we're so shorthanded  here. Can't you do this thing for us?'. I think not."

        There followed a long silence.

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