Non-human Hsunchen

From: Arf <>
Date: Sat, 5 Apr 1997 14:03:19 +0100 (BST)

> From: "John R. Snead" <>
> >Hsunchen: I don't count these guys as human, but I notice they're not on
> >your list. One of my players has a Basmoli character based upon the
> >description in ToTRM. I think these are good for inexperienced
> >role-players as they can start off fairly one-dimensional and are easy
> >to flesh out. (as is the case IMG)
> Which issue of ToTRM? (Clearly one I don't have :(

No 14 or 15 - One of the Praxian issues. I can't state exactly which one, because I'd borrowed them. Besides, this character also has had a lot of background input from his player, who did some research into RW lion "society".
> So, in what way are Hsunchen non-human? In all the published material
> (expect for possibly that ToTRM article, which I'd *LOVE* someone to send
> me a synopsis of) they are portrayed as band-level groups with specific
> animal totems. The only odd thing being that some of them can actually
> turn into their totem animals on rare occasions.

I did say it was IMO, not official. I got the idea from the runes associated with Hsunchen, which tend to be Beast + one other, but not the Man rune. For MGF I decide to lean more towards treating them as "beast - men" rather than as somw kind of throwback primitive humans in an otherwise dark age/medieval world. It's just an "IMG" thing, like the fact that I have no ducks in my campaign.

> I've toyed with the idea of making the various Hsunchen shapechange spells
> reusable for Initiates and perhaps less costly. 6 pts of power for 15
> minutes as a lion seems less than useful, and to imply a pretty distant
> connection between the Hsunchen and their totem.

I too, am of the opinion that these spells are very expensive. Perhaps there are other ways around this, though, than changing the rules for a select group? Suggestions?

> Even if you allow Hsunchen to have a version of the Aranea & Gorakiki
> spell Transform Self (a sensible idea IMHO), it now costs 8 pts of Pow to
> transform into your totem animal for 6 hours. A bit more mythic, but
> unless it's reusable for all Hsunchen initiates, its not something anyone
> other than the Shamans will likely ever do.

How about during tribal/holy ceremonies? These are going to take far more than 15 minutes, and transforming as part of a ritual has got to beat dressing up as a lion by a long shot.


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