Rhinos vs. Fire

From: Klyfix_at_aol.com
Date: Fri, 11 Apr 1997 03:58:21 -0400 (EDT)

Dave Pearton noted...

> Also, some potential MGF, rhino's are famous in bush lore for hating fire.
> They are reputed to stamp out campfires whenever they find/smell them
> (regardless of the presence of people around them). I can just see it -
> the group of pcs are huddled around their pitiful dung fire on the praxian
> plains when, trundling out of the darkness, charges a majestic rhino who
> proceeds to trample out the fire, as well as any foolish pc's and
> equipment that fails to get out the way. It would also mean that rhino
> rider encampments are cold, dark and miserable during darkness season.

        So in South Africa there's Smokey the Rhino instead of Smokey the Bear? :)

        Having rhinos stomping out forest...uh, plains fires might not be a bad thing though and could be a good Legend. Perhaps the rhino riders put blinders on the...oh, that'd do nothing about smelling the fire, hmmm. There must be some way for those poor rhino riders to use fire for cooking and stuff; maybe a sort of ritual to calm the rhinos.

V.S. Greene : klyfix_at_aol.com : Boston, near Arkham...

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