
From: Erik Sieurin <>
Date: Tue, 15 Apr 1997 14:40:00 +0100

Said On Dwarves:
> A German or
> Scandinavian accent is a must, since that is where they are from, after
> all.

That's pretty silly, since neither clich=E9 cookie-cutter boring Dwarves n= or
Gloranthan Mostali have very little in common with the Dwarves of Norse and German mythology - other than being short and being attracted to gold, that is.

> From: James Frusetta <>
> Date: Sat, 12 Apr 1997 15:53:13 -0400 (EDT)
> Subject: Nasty, dirty, vile, evil, commie Elves
Hohoho! Veeeery good, veeery good. I always assume that it's the old Tolkien Clone Syndrome (known as TCS) which makes people think of Elves as "nice". (Yeah, read Silmarillion closely, and you won't think of them as "nice" anymore, even in Middle-Earth.)

A minor quibble, though:
> As such, Elves are expansionistic baddies who seek to undermine the
> natural modes of non-Elven order and replace it with their own! All
> non-Elves learn to become one with the forest or serve to feed it -- whe=
> do you think all those people in Fronela will go? That's right --
> fertilizer!

"Now, I think we can preserve at least 10-15% of the human population as hunter-gatherers. This of course depends on the figures for other predators. This requires re-education and anti-technological deprogramming, of course."
>From the Collected Speeches of Holtman Plow, aka Plow's Little Green

> James Wadsley wrote:
> >If Elves must heavily exploit a plant species, I expect it
> >involves raiding other territories. IMO, an Elf may well look on
> >warped trees that produce trinkets full time as modern people look on
> >child labourers sewing Nikes.
> Unless, of course, Elves honestly believe that the proper purpose of a
> trinket-growing tree is to produce trinkets, and that having it make mor=
> trinkets makes it happier. Or that ordering the extermination of a
> particular species of weed is really a good thing, because it makes the
> overall forest stronger. Etc., etc.

"The Trees are the Purpose of The Forest. The Welfare of the Trees must always be the foremost concern to the People of The Trees. However, the Forest cannot exist as Trees only. Thus, the Welfare of the Trees, and thus that of the Forest, is utterly dependent on the Non-Trees.

But the Peoples of the Non-Trees must be kept firmly in check. Their Purpose is to make the Forest possible. The Purpose of the Forest is to make the Trees possible. The Purpose of the Trees, is Existence."
>From the Little Green Lore-Tree of Holtman Plow.

"No problem, friend. I can get you the Man-Eating moss and the Fire Nuts anytime, if you just come up with that high-phosphorus-content dung. Hey, this is the Free Market of the humans, OK?" Gutterweed, Garden Black Marketeer Runner, Old Pavis

"The lesser non-coniferous races must be made extinct. This is the fullfillment of the Destiny of The Forest. The Spruce must rule by virtue of its natural superiority. We must achieve our rightful rootspace.


The non-trees are of no importance. Some, like the Blueberry Pixies and the Totem of the Arctic Hare, are tied by Aldrya to our Destiny as our servant races. The others are part of the non-coniferous system, of the Great Leaf Conspiracy. They will be naturally eradicated as a part of the final solution to the non-coniferous problem."
Needler, Vronkali Elf-King

"Please, don't give me any of that crap about fascist spruces. Everyone with any sense of history knows that Needler was of the Juniper Clan - not a Spruce at all."
Tallbeam, Spruce Aldryami

"The Owl and the Pussycat went to sea, in a beautiful pea-green boat..."
>From "The Owl and the Pussycat" by Edward Lear

Erik Sieurin
Bodagatan 39, 2 tr
50742 Bor=E5s

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