various topics

From: Stephen P Martin <>
Date: Sun, 27 Apr 1997 02:36:36 EDT

Ian Young, Digest #353

On the Elf Group Mind
>I suppose the real question for me, and I hang my ignorance out on
display here,
>is to ask, where is this "current theory" promoted?

Well, the theory was presented to me either by Shannon Appel or, more likely, Ken Rolston a few years ago, when Ken was heavy into a pet elf project. He sent a number of posts about it to the people on his mailing list. I'd have to dig them out to get the full scoop on it, unless someone else on the Digest who was there (more actively than me) wants to do it for me?

Peter Metcalf, Digest #354

On the Elf Group Mind

Excellent description, Peter! I would prefer your explanation over a straight Group Mind (TM). I might even recant and believe in the goddess Aldrya....Nah! Even with your lessened version, I still see no need for her, though I might admit her presence. Could anyone else accept her in a way similar to Glorantha or Arachne Solara -- she can be felt, but it is not necessary or appropriate to worship her? If you can intimately feel <god> and all of <god's> worshipers, do you really need to worship <god>? And, if all of <god's> worshipers can feel <god>, would any of them need to worship <god>?

A Question

An issue of Different Worlds had a "Troll Joke" in it, titled Great Moments in Troll History. It talked about Thunderbreath inventing the Trollkin burger. I no longer have this issue, and couldn't find it. Can anyone provide the issue number and, more importantly, the full name of the troll?

Also, last call -- can anyone help me find artist Brad Foster?

"Sacred Time" in Glorantha

For the Doraddi, the holy week is one week (6 days) long. I believe that the Kralorelans have no holy week, as their calendar is a 42-week deal. No idea on Western calendars.

Thomas Gotschall, Digest #355

On Brithini Resurrection
>Magic allows the Brithini to heal much deeper wounds (Death) than it is
>here on Earth. So I would say it just another way of healing.

I agree with Thomas here, as even the Orlanthi seem to consider Resurrection as a type of healing. Chalana Arroy can Resurrect, and she is the goddess of healing. She is the source of the Harmony Rune. Yet Uleria, purported source of the Life Rune, cannot resurrect. As I have said before, Life doesn't need resurrection -- it can just grow a new person.

Malcolm Carter, Digest #356

Old Wind Temple
An old map of Greg Stafford's lists the following deities as having temples or shrines at Old Wind Temple:

Alakoring Rex
Umath Kolati
Lightbringer's Ring
Babeester and Arran

Most of these are obvious, as I assume Lightbringer's Ring to mean that all of the standard Lightbringers are worshiped here. Arran, however, is a little-mentioned obscurity. I personally believe that he was originally Orlanth's Shield-thane, though that role is little used much in the Third Age.

On the appearance as Windmills, I would take that as poetic license and imagery, myself. Unless, of course, windmills are completely unknown to the Orlanthi, in which case it should be an actual gigantic windmill!

Stormwalkers and Thunder Brothers -- I don't think these are the same. The Thunder Brothers are specifically the sons of Orlanth. Given my beliefs about Orlanth, I would state that these are the gods who used to be major storm gods, and now are merely sons or aspects of Orlanth: Jardan Adventurous, Kargaard Thunderous, Vingkot the Victorious, etc. The Stormwalkers, from their description and powers in Dragon Pass, are more likely to be Umath Kolati worshipers. I note that Umath once had a cult which allowed the worshipers to control storms (see the Humakti HQ write-up in Tales 5 if you've got it), and Kolat is definitely the source of sylphs. Steve Marsh once did a write-up of the Stormwalkers, now completely lost as far as I can tell, where one of the Divine spells was Windwalking, another was the ability to turn into a sylph.

For slightly more info on Stormwalk, see Steve Marsh's heroquest webpage; unless the address has changed, it is at:

Peter Maranci, Digest #356

Divine Intervention
I would suggest that a priestess of Chalana Arroy could not use DI for transportation, as that is not an area over which she has any control or knowledge. Even if she could do it for her worshipers, I don't think she could move an entire party, let alone a girl who was not right there with them.

I will definitely dig out comments Greg made a long time ago about DI for the Heroes of the King prospectus, especially since someone has been trying to get them out of me for awhile, and I haven't had time. Look for it soon. (James someone), Digest #357

Lunar Cults for PCs
>The problem in this is the lack of write ups.
>I have picked up a few good ones from the net but would like advice on
>various seven mothers, particularly

Although this doesn't help you at all, any Seven Mothers cult which is extremely similar to an Orlanthi cult is either highly suspect, or highly specific to Orlanthi areas, where such closeness would be expected, at least among the converted Orlanthi members.

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