Telmori:The apocalypse

From: Tim Ellis <>
Date: Mon, 28 Apr 1997 00:59:29 +0100

Nick leaps in to try and sort out the confusion between Peter and myself, Re the Telmori "going over" to the lunars - I think it was
>2) The episode documented in "Argrath's Saga" (whereizit?)
Which Greg read out at the end of Convulsion 1, and blame a whole weekend of conventioning to any mis-remeberings!

Peter also said

>Why would anyone want to pity Telmori? I don't see people pitying
>Ogres who are just as chaotic. I do not believe that Telmori engage
>in mass angst rituals about the curse. To them, it's a natural part
>of life like growing old and dying is for most humans.

Which seemed to be rather missing the point as I was arguing that cursed telmori are *NOT* as chaotic as Ogres. (I don't suppose people pity Cave Trolls either, to be honest, and as an adventurer faced with an angry, charging Telmori werewolf or an angry charging cave-troll, pity is going to be well down the list of emotions I am feeling). And while the Telmori don't sit around crying over their wild-day curse, They surely don't see it as "natural" - it wouldn't be a curse then!

The difference is, that given the choice an Ogre or a Broo would like to be the biggest baddest member of their tribe, with the power of life and (especially) death over all they survey, other races being their to satisfy their assorted lusts, where a Telmori would like to be free to worship Telmor without being forced to run around in wolf form once a week. Other races are (obviously) not so important as the Telmori, but peaceful co-existance is the preferred interaction with most, if not all of them, most, if not all of the time.

Of course, if you live adjacent to Telmori lands and have lost sheep, slaves or clan members on a recent Wildday, or are a rabid Uroxi or Zorak Zorani looking for an excuse for a fight, (or maybe a Yinkini in a mischevious mood) you may profess a differnt viewpoint!

| Tim Ellis           EMail                      |
| Everything I tell You Three times is true                               |


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