Re: Rune Magic

From: Henk.Langeveld_at_Holland.Sun.COM
Date: Mon, 28 Apr 1997 17:28:11 +0100 (MET DST)

> From: Hasni Mubarak <>
> Subject: Multimissile, Oneshot Runemagic
> One question though. Spells which are defined as "One use", would those
> STAY one use? I.e., only Runelords can even bother learning them, and
> they don't ever come back?

An idea that has gone around on the digest as an extension to David Cheng's RunePower initiative is the separation of knowledge and power for a rune spell.

Let me recapture the essence of those rules:

        Two things need to be tracked:

  1. Rune List This lists your knowledge of cult divine magic.
  2. Rune Power This is the amount of `dedicated' POW.

"Learning a spell" consists of two things:

  1. dedicate (`sacrifice') POW for the spell.
    • this is added to your Rune Power.
  2. receive intimate/intrinsic knowledge on performing a magical feat befitting your cult/god.

Casting a spell becomes:

  1. expend the required points from your Rune Power.
  2. have the desired spell manifest.

Regaining a spell becomes:

  1. Pray, rest and meditate, participate in the holy ceremonies. Decide how the divine power was used. Was it properly applied? Would your god be pleased with your actions?
		If all conditions are satisfied, you
		regain the RunePower that was expended.
		Priests and Lords can do this on a 
		daily basis.  Initiates need guidance
		which would only be available during
		or around major religious ceremonies.
		...such as (High) Holy Days...

Casting a `One Use' Spell:

	This works as casting any spell, but 
	requires the expense of personal POW,
	instead of -or in addition to- RunePower.

> Ew, I just thought of something....since Humakt gets Sever Spirit
> Reusably...does that mean that initiates can cast it once a year! Ick!

Or more... Or not, if they abused their power.


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